I can only see the world through my own eyes, and you from yours. No matter how hard one tries to model the perspective of another, it will always be a model, at best a re-presentiation of the information and sense data of the world through a hypothetical lens. All representations are, to some degree or another mis-representations. The original reception of the information cannot be represented identically to how it was received.

Aside from genetic and epigenetic differences between individuals, our experiences and our perceptions of experience are what make us most unique, separate, distinct from those around us, from those far away, from those who came before us, and from those who will come after us.

No stone will be seen the same way twice, however many times it is seen.

Viewed only from this standpoint, a person could not help but feel a deep sense of alienation, the experience of separateness. For many people, this is the primary way in which experience and other people are viewed: different, separate, foreign, alien, other.

On the other hand, there is much that we share in common. Our physiology is similar. Most, but not all of us have the same set of organs and appendages. I may have brown hair and another person blond hair, but we have hair — yet there are people who do not have any. We share the overwhelming majority of our DNA with a variety of other mammal species. Genetically speaking, we are 80% the same as cows, 90% the same as cats, and 98.8% as chimpanzees. We are even about 60% the same as bananas. So far, every human who has ever lived was given birth to by a woman. We all require nutritional intake that contains protein.

The list of our similarities is infinite, just as the list of our differences. The closer you look, the more of each you would find, without end.

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